Sunday, October 12, 2008

To Kill a Mockingbird

For some reason I am really looking forward to reading this book.  It has been sitting in my room for the past 3 years collecting dust but this week I finally get to read it and make my imagination go wild again.  It hasn't gone on for a while and I can't wait for it.  It seems like a good book when you look at the cover but I have learned never judge a book by its cover.  I have done this a lot, judging a book by its cover. For some reason or another if the cover looks good or creepy I pick it up, maybe it's because I love science fiction or stories that never really relate to the real world.  I love it when I can let everything in my mind run free.  So all I have right now on this book is high hopes for it to bee a good book!

1 comment:

Lorita said...

I do the same thing, Alex. I always pick up a book and judge it by its cover. "To Kill a Mockingbird" was the best book ever. You will enjoy it!